HOA ARC and Other Resources

Exterior Project Applications (aka ARC Application)

Article VI of the AOAW HOA CC&Rs and the AOAW HOA Architectural Standards state what projects must have HOA ARC approval.

It’s the duty of HOA Members to become familiar with these documents, because for any exterior project initiated without application to, and approval of, the HOA ARC that’s in violation of the CC&Rs and/or Architectural Standards, as well as rules of the HOA Board, the HOA can require the HOA Member to restore the external features to the original condition at the HOA Member’s sole cost and expense.  This is a constant in practically all HOAs.

HOA ARC approval isn’t limited to major alterations such as adding a room or deck to a house. It’s required for such items as changes in color, materials, and when an existing item is to be altered or removed.  Each project requires approval, but projects may be grouped on one Application as long as everything is crystal clear to the HOA ARC.

When in doubt as to whether an exterior project requires approval, the HOA Member should consult an ARC or EXB Member and obtain a written response as to whether or not ARC approval is required.

***SAVE the HOA ARC project approval documents so you can provide them for your HOA Resale Inspection when you sell the house to a new buyer. Give the docs to the new buyer, too.

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